This course covers correct installation, safety components and awareness of the relevant legislation for Vented and Unvented Hot Water Storage Systems.
Why would I need to undertake a course to qualify in HWSS?
Due to the ever-rising popularity of energy saving systems and the versatility of installation, Unvented Hot Water Storage Systems are the common choice for both new-build properties and homeowners looking to save both physical space in their homes and unnecessary expenditure. They work hand-in-hand with renewable energy sources such as Solar Panels or Air Source Heat Pumps, and have a life expectancy on average of up to 30 years so are very cost-effective.
An unvented hot water system comprises of a pressurised hot water cylinder (usually stainless steel) and with several associated safety controls. They must be installed to a specific design principle.
The cylinders are available in Indirect, Twin Coil, Triple Coil, Direct and Eco Direct models. They can also be fitted both vertically (traditionally) or horizontally (ideal for roof-space installations).
The main difference between a traditional vented and unvented hot water system, is that an unvented hot water system uses the water directly from your mains supply and doesn’t rely on a static head of pressure like a vented cylinder would. The most relevant advantage of this is higher running flow rates and at multiple outlets at the same time.
As an unvented HWSS stores heated water at a considerable pressure, it is of paramount importance that the installer is both informed and competent, and works in compliance with Building Regulation Part G3.
All unvented hot water storage systems must be installed by a qualified installer and registered with local buildings control.
Our G3 unvented cylinder course at our training centre near Scunthorpe will provide you with the knowledge and skill set to install these systems correctly. At Lincolnshire Gas Training we will also teach you how to identify any installation safety defects on systems you encounter whilst you are performing an annual service visit. This will both ensure your customer base are kept safe and informed, and in-turn generate income for your business where remedial works are required. The course runs for one day, and includes training and assessment.
All current UK Unvented HWSS certification is due for renewal at five-year intervals. If your certification has lapsed you will not hold the competency to register new installs with Buildings Control, so please be in touch to book a date for your renewal.
Unvented Hot Water Storage Systems G3 Courses

Flixborough Industrial Estate, Second Avenue, Scunthorpe. DN15 8SD
telephone : 01724 849689
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